校园安全 Safety & Security in School
We believe in taking a proactive approach in cultivating safety habits in our pupils, and encourage all parents/guardians to take similar responsibility and ownership to help the school achieve better safety outcomes for our pupils.
For the safety and security of all our staff and pupils in the school, we seek your understanding and cooperation in the following areas:
- Please do not remain in school during school hours or accompany your child/ward in the canteen during recess.
- If you need to see the teacher or make an enquiry at the General Office, kindly report first to the security officer at the Main Gate and then proceed to the General Office for assistance.
- All visitors, including Parents/ Guardians, are to produce proof of identity (e.g. Identity Card, Driving Licence) and sign in with the security officer at the Main Gate. A Visitor Pass will be issued for each visitor.
- Parents/Guardians are also requested to produce their proof of identity for signing their child/ward out at the General Office if they wish to take him/her home during school hours.
- We wish to emphasise that visitors are not allowed to tour the school premises on their own. Please seek assistance from the General Office for enquiries.
- We seek your understanding that the school does not grant permission to parents/guardians to hold birthday celebrations for their child/ward in the school.
For more information, please refer to the Student Handbook (Pages 10, 12 and 13).