特选旗舰计划 Special Assistance Plan (SAP) Flagship

Vision / Mission
让道南学生在中华文化气息浓郁的环境中学习华文及接受文化的熏陶,在幼小的心灵里播下华族文化的种子。学校每年都会欢庆农历新年和中秋节,并筹办母语双周,通过有趣的活动和深刻的体验,让学生乐学善用华文华语,并从中对中华文化有更深的认识 。
Every Taonanite has a deep appreciation and love for Chinese Culture.
Introduce our pupils to a rich Chinese environment to enhance their learning of Chinese Language and Culture.
Flagship Programme:
Chinese Culture- Learning and Immersion for Excellence (C2-LIfE)
Key Programmes / Activities
The Tao Nan SAP Flagship Programme offers many opportunities to imbue our students with the richness of the Chinese culture through various events and activities. The celebration of Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival promotes the cultural richness of the language. The MTL (Mother Tongue Language) Fortnight Programme provides an authentic platform to further enhance the learning of the Chinese language and culture.
For the lower primary students, introductory lessons on Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Painting and Art & Craft are incorporated in the Art curriculum. For the upper primary students, they are taught to appreciate the beauty of the Chinese Language and culture through assembly programmes, mass lectures and the reading of school-based Chinese Culture books. To explore the Chinese culture in greater depths, activities such as Chinese Opera Workshop, Cross Talk Performance, Tea Appreciation and theatrical performances are also organised for students at the different grade levels.
For a group of selected students who have attained language proficiency in the Chinese language and shown interest in the Chinese Culture, Tao Nan offers the Bi-Cultural Chinese Elective Programme (BiCEP) to cater to the needs of this identified echelon.
Last but not least, we have an extensive exchange and immersion programme for our upper primary students to encourage out-of-classroom learning experiences and provide opportunities for exposure at the international arena. In the fun-filled Culture Immersion Programmes, students meet the local pupils, taste the local cuisine and get familiar with Chinese customs and way of life. Regular trips to China and Taiwan provide our students with enriched learning experiences where they are completely immersed into a Chinese language and cultured environment.