古筝团 Guzheng Ensemble
成立于1999 年的古筝团,学员包括每届三年级至六年级的学生。学校根据学生的年龄和背景,合理设计教学内容,制定教学计划,让学生们都能够在快乐中学习古筝演奏。现任古筝团教练已在道南学校任教十余年,古筝团也代表学校参加了很多校内及校外的表演和比赛。在教练和老师们的带领下,道南古筝团培养出了一批又一批富有责任感和团队合作精神的团员,在过去多年的新加坡青年节艺术展演中,他们出类拔萃,取得一次又一次辉煌的成绩!
Tao Nan School Guzheng Ensemble was established as a CCA in year 1999. Our pupils are coached by professionals who are patient, inspiring and motivating. The current instructor has been coaching the pupils for the past 10 years. Through well-facilitated and regular group practice sessions, members gain important and beneficial life skills such as precision, perseverance, team co-operation and responsibility. They will be given opportunities to put up performances both in school and public places. Senior Members will also get to take part in the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF).
The vision of the Guzheng Club is to promote appreciation for Chinese musical pieces and Chinese culture among our pupils through the mastering of the instrument, Guzheng, which is one of the oldest Chinese instruments of China.
Ms Liu Ying [刘莹] | liu_ying_d@moe.edu.sg | Overall IC |
Mdm Shen Yang [沈阳] | shen_yang@moe.edu.sg | Overall 2IC |
Mdm Ang Sio Hoon [洪小芬] | ang_sio_hoon@moe.edu.sg |
CCA Highlights
TNS-OEPS Cross-Cultural Collaboration
Students from our Chinese Orchestra and Guzheng CCA engage in a cultural exchange through music with students from Opera Estate Primary School(OEPS)’s Angklung CCA.
Click here to find out more.