武术 Wushu
中华武术文化博大精深,它源于中国,属于世界。道南学校武术队成立于 2005 年,目前由一百多名来自三至六年级的学生组成。训练项目包括基本功、拳术,以及刀、剑、枪、棍等器械套路。在过去的几十年中,道南武术团队建设在校外专业教练以及校内负责老师的共同带领下,对学生传承武术技能的同时,也在训练中让学生浸润着东方哲理和华族优良的价值观。
Wushu forms part of the cultural heritage of China. It uses natural, aesthetic movements to exhibit traditional martial arts techniques. Its rich content, style, speed, meticulous attention to detail and level of difficulty ensure it to be one of the most exciting and dynamic forms of martial arts.
The trainings aim to improve whole-body fitness and traditional stance training improves strength, stamina and flexibility, whilst speed, control and balance are developed through repetitive movements that include kicking and open hand techniques.
Mrs Law- Chin Wai Mun |
Overall IC |
Mdm Samantha Evon Chia Chin Mei |
Mdm Ma Lin |
Mr Foo Siang Yong |
Mdm Looi Yen Mei Wendy |